Monday Music & Movement: {Rain on the Rooftop}
May 4, 2015
Wordless Wednesday: {5-6-15}
May 6, 2015


We are jumping into spring with BUGS! I happened to stumble upon some fidget spiders at Walgreens last week and knew I had to incorporate them somewhere in our ECSE bug theme! This intervention is easy to pull out at any time and works great for turn taking, following directions, and academic skills. You can use any drum, but it works best with a gather drum because it’s so BIG and more motivating to wait for. Choose one student and have them join you by the gather drum. Place the spider under the drum (I have several spiders so sometimes I add a couple for fun). As the student plays the beat on the drum, the other students can imitate him by tapping their knees.

The tune of the song is “If you’re happy and you know it”

There’s a bug in my drum, in my drum

There’s a bug in my drum, in my drum

There’s a bug in my drum, but I’ll play it all day long

There’s a bug in my drum, in my drum!

After their turn is complete, you can lift up the drum and AHH!! IT’S A SPIDER! Luckily, the spiders I found light up when you throw them. As a reward, the kids can sit back down and throw the spider into the drum to end their turn. You can also give each student the chance to play the drum a different way and challenge the students to imitate the movements with their bodies.